Revitalization of the Castle district, Sopron

Revitalization of the Castle district, Sopron
General planning: Hetedik Műterem Ltd.
Architect in charge: Levente Szabó
Landscape architects: Csenge Csontos, Borbála Gyüre, Gergely Lád (Geum Műterem Ltd.)
Co-architects: Orsolya Almer, Balazs Biri, Jessica Dvorzsák, David Kohout, Orsolya Simon, Tibor Tánczos
Transport, traffictechnology: Ádám Rhorer, András Mezey (Közlekedés Ltd.)
Client: Sopron MJV
Planning area: 15000 m²
Photos: Balázs Danyi, Balázs Biri
Awards: ICOMOS Prize, DaNS 20. The Salon Prize, Pro Architectura Prize, Concrete Prize, Mies van der Rohe Award - nomination, Public Area Renewal Prize 2018
The beauty of the Castle District lies in its character created by the continuously changing cross sections and constantly varying spatial relations along almost half a kilometer length; and by the feature that all this belongs to Várkörút (Castle Boulevard), to its dynamism and generosity. This duality, namely the dichotomy of the longitudinal dynamism and cross-sectional diversity is the greatest value that we wanted to strengthen in our plan. The key concept was that when standing at any point of the Castle District one should know and feel that he/she is in this very part of the area. However, moderate approach was also required since the facades of the historic development along the inner and outer curves are determinative urban design elements, thus competing with them for dominance is unnecessary. After winning the competition, the preparation of the study plan, then the building permission plan consisted of several steps, with the series of co-ordinations and presentations in public forums. This way though the concept rationalized, but it did not differ from its fundaments and main concept, neither even during the construction desing process. Our mindful, engineer-like and defensive approach will assure the assimilation into the urban fabric and its long-term operation.
Sándor Bardóczi: A socket to fit the town jewel, 4D 2016/41
Levente Szabó: The memory of An Urban Public Square, Landscape Architecture 2018/04